Samsung Ads: Smart Audience

Look-Alike Audiences is a robust feature designed to expand audience reach and boost brand awareness. By analyzing existing customer data, it identifies new users with similar behaviors and traits, making it easier for advertisers to connect with a broader yet relevant audience. This targeted approach helps brands maximize their marketing efforts, reach new potential customers, and increase overall campaign effectiveness.


Samsung Ads

Project Overview:

Traditional audience targeting methods often struggle to connect with new potential customers who share similar traits with an advertiser’s existing audience. This gap limits the effectiveness of campaigns focused on expanding reach and building brand awareness, leaving valuable opportunities untapped.


The implementation of Look-Alike Audiences significantly increased campaign reach and engagement, allowing advertisers to connect with new, high-potential users and achieve a notable boost in brand awareness and conversions. The feature delivered a 6-8x improvement in performance for ML-driven Smart Audiences compared to traditional methods, making campaigns more targeted and effective. This resulted in a more efficient use of marketing budgets, driving higher ROI and helping brands reach untapped segments of their market.

The Lookalike Audience creation interface enables users to generate new audiences by using either their own first-party data or leveraging Samsung’s predefined audiences.

Once a seed audience is selected, users can choose the desired audience size based on their marketing goals. They can opt for a “Most Similar” audience for highly targeted campaigns, a “Balanced” audience for a mix of similarity and reach, or a “Broadest” option to maximize the audience size for greater reach. An estimated audience size is calculated based on the selected settings, allowing users to make informed decisions before finalizing their audience setup.

The Audience Summary page allows users to review key settings, adjust audience size and type, and understand the reach across different media channels. It offers insights into audience distribution, status, and makes it easy to duplicate settings for creating similar audience configurations quickly.

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